Chickpeas and health
Chickpea, aka garbanzo beans, is originally from the Middle East region. It is well known as an excellent source of fiber and protein. In fact, chickpea provides a wider range of benefits:
- Weight managent and digestion: High fiber and protein content helps induce satiety quickly, while promoting healthy bowel movement.
- Heart health: Low sodium (if not canned) and high potassium content promotes healthy blood pressure, and thus support heart health. High fiber content also lowers cholesterol level in the blood
- Bone health: Iron, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin K in chickpea play an important rolein building and maintaining bone structure and strength.
- Diabetes and blood glucose: Complex carbohydrate in chickpea is slowly broken down in the body, delaying the rise of blood glucose. Fiber content also helps with blood glucose maintenance.
- and cancer: A variety of vitamins and minerals in chickpeas acts as antioxidants and detoxifiers, which help prevent chronic inflammation and different types of cancer.
1 serving (100 g) of chickpea can provide 164 kcal, with 27 g carbohydrate, 7.6 g fiber, 8.9 g protein, and 2.6 g fat. Chickpea can be used as a snack or an entree, and the dish can be individualized based on personal preference. Upcoming recipe will be chickpea-focused, so please stay tuned!
Nutrition On The Go, Inc.
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Contact: (301) 263-7319
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